Germain Droogenbroodt

Germain Droogenbroodt

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT is an internationally known poet, yearly invited at the most prestigious international poetry festivals. He is also translator, publisher and promoter of modern international poetry. He wrote short stories and literary reviews, but mainly poetry, so far 17 poetry books, published in 31 countries. As founder of the Belgian publishing house POINT Editions he published more than eighty collections of mainly modern, international poetry, he organised and co-organised several international poetry festivals in Spain, co-founder and advisor of JUNPA (Japan Universal Poets Association), advisor of the Chinese Huifeng Literary Association and founding president of the Spanish cultural foundation ITHACA. He also set up the internationally greatly appreciated project Poetry without Borders, publishing twice a month poetry from all over the world in 37 languages. He received more than a dozen international poetry awards and is yearly invited at the most prestigious international poetry festivals. He was recommended in 2017 for the Nobel Prize of Literature.

Please visit Germain Droogenbroodt at:



Not every anchor one throws out
offers safety or discovery
of what is deep and unfathomable.

Anchoring is sometimes stand still
not farther towards more
than what is visible.


Accompanied by birdsong
the dawn appears.

Flowers open
greedily drinking the light
and spreading their perfume.

Over the sharp line of the horizon,
a boat slides over the sea
and the mind
—so turbulent sometimes—
comes for a moment at rest.


The freedom
of the fish in the sea
is as long freedom
until he is caught.

So are human beings
only free at their birth
not yet caught
in the net.


Before the horizon
lies apparently motionless
the blue of the sea,
and the wind gives no sigh.

The poet should now find
the redeeming words,
the verses for a new poem.

But disturbed by noisy voices,
the pen falters,
and the poem remains unwritten.


The rustling in the whelk shell
is not the beating of the waves
but of time, the fading away
that knows no detention.


In the insistence of the waves
crashing against the cliffs
and in the appearance
and disappearance
of the wind he experiences
the limitation of life
the coming and the going.

Poems from “The Road of Being”
Germain Droogenbroodt

For other contributions by Germain Droogenbroodt, please follow the links below:

Poetry in this post: © Germain Droogenbroodt
Published with the permission of Germain Droogenbroodt