Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli is one of the Charter Members of Immagine & Poesia, the art-literary Movement founded in Italy in 2007 with Aeronwy Thomas. Installation artist and collagist. Coordinator of #DylanDay in Italy. Award-winning poet since 2011. Her writing has been published in more than 150 International Poetry magazines and web-sites.

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Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east…
(On Beauty – Khalil Gibran)

In the calm rustle of the morning
the shadows move away.
The light weaves gold and pink threads:
precious tapestry
in a crystal sky.
Moments slip into fragile vibration
as I breathe that space
that feeds on silence
and in silence it dissolves.

In the East Beauty is born
and it slowly spreads over the horizon.

Immense and distant.

Poetry in this post: © Lidia Chiarelli
Published with the permission of Lidia Chiarelli