Gianpiero Actis

Gianpiero Actis

Gianpiero Actis (Italy) is one of the co-founders of the artistic-literary movement Immagine & Poesia. He often creates his works as "responses" to the poems of different authors. He has participated in numerous international exhibitions. His paintings can be found in permanent exhibitions / collections in Italy and abroad. Recently he has been experimenting with creative writing.

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Spring impressions at the Gulf of Poets
(The magic of lost time)

“Nostalgia … the longing for yet another strange land,
grew especially strong in spring.”

Vladimir Nabokov, Mary

                                                                 Gulf of Poets-La Spezia, April 2024

I entered a shady path.
On the edge primroses and violets
whispered memories
of times gone by.
The lights and shadows chased each other
– almost a kids’ game.

In the distance
a glimpse of the blue Mediterranean Sea
reflected restless clouds
while on the surface silver fishes
seemed to draw
circles expanding
in gentle breaths …

And suddenly
the magic of lost time
was here again.

Poetry in this post: © Gianpiero Actis
Published with the permission of Gianpiero Actis