Giuseppina Palo

Giuseppina Palo

Giuseppina Palo is a poet and was born in Eboli (Salerno) in 1965. She has three published books: Il Dono Selvaggio (“The Wild Gift”) 1989, by Edizioni Ripostes Salerno – Rome; Favole moderne (“Modern Fables”) 1993, the paperbacks Ripostes; Dell’Amore eterno (“Of the Eternal Love”) 2016, The Essay Ars Poetica Editions.

She has also been published in several anthologies, among them: Four poems in the anthology In My End is My Beginning – I poeti italiani negli anni ottanta/novanta (“The Italian poets in the eighties/nineties”) 1992, the pocket-sized Ripostes; one poem in the anthology Lo sciame dei sogni (“The Swarm of Dreams”) 1997, by Terni Edition and another poem in the anthology Navigare 22 2016, by the publishing house Pagine – Rome.

Sing me the lullaby,
mother of dreams

The stones of the beach in winter
were toasting with goblets of foams
and the sparkling rhythm of the sea steps
was swinging our shock kisses.

The time to move on to another period
with peaches, watermelons and flowers now fruits;
the time to perceive the passage in the wheat fields,
mowed down by a copious mechanical rain,

distances me more and more
in the regret of winter salt
mixed of eager lips
in the Mediterranean sunsets …

I want his kisses!
… his kisses remind me of cherries
in those summer fields brushed with white,
where lonely trees, covered with moss, drink frost;

where the slight wind raves for the joy
touching the red poppies and the bright moon;
when then a hoarse singing, in faint notes,
pours the twilight into the arms of the night.

For other contributions by Giuseppina Palo, please follow the links below:

  • In the space of my house …
    Poetry in this post: © Giuseppina Palo
    Published with the permission of Giuseppina Palo