Barbara Di Sacco

Barbara Di Sacco

Barbara Di Sacco is an Italian poet and writer, born in Tuscany in 1964. The love for her land, her roots, however, lead her to feel like a citizen of the whole world, planet to which to bring deep respect as to every civilization.

A lover of art and cultural fusions, he assimilates sounds, mixtures Mediterranean coasts landed on the Italian coasts mainly through the absorption of Neapolitan, musical, the product of well-assorted instrumental knowledge, as well as the various literary themes and pictorial schools.

Barbara Di Sacco’s own poetic composition was born from this natural path and from the observation of landscapes.


Great breather
Embrace of deep blue
History entry
from shells resounds
Infinite culture
wrapped in the wave.
Epic Trading Port
of naval caravans
to other seas and countries
cradle of spicy citrus groves
mixed in the winds
combining music and songs
You knotted roots
mixed blood
of all your children.
This land of bread
Soprano in Siede
Challenging peace
But if love saw
in all your colors
The arms would open
From golfi and anse
to a Mediterranean mother.
Your blue transparency
She’s a goddess of hope
of rare beauty.
The fruits hang on the shores
Where the dances open
on capers and basil
toasting with wine.
Mandolas and tammorre, unfurled sails fly
like curtains on the windows
from which coffee spreads
in the rising air.
Colorful ceramics shine
like beautiful women of the sun
overlooking the windowsill
on the horizon.


Grande respiro
abbraccio di blu profondo
voce di storia
da conchiglie risuona
infinita cultura
avvolta nell’onda.
Epica porta di scambio
di carovane navali
verso altri mari e paesi
culla di agrumeti speziati
miscelati nei venti
unendo musica e canti
hai annodato radici
mescolato sangue
di tutti i tuoi figli.
Questa terra di pane
sopra te siede
sfidando la pace
ma se l’amore vedesse
in ogni tuo colore
le braccia aprirebbe
da golfi e anse
ad una mediterranea madre.
L’azzurra trasparenza tua
è una dea di speranza
di rara bellezza.
I frutti pendono sulle coste
dove le danze si aprono
sui capperi e basilico
brindando col vino.
Mandole e tammorre, vele spiegate volano
come tende alle finestre
da cui il caffè si diffonde
nell’aria che sale.
Brillano variopinte ceramiche
come donne belle di sole
affacciate al davanzale

Poetry in this post: © Barbara Di Sacco
Published with the permission of Barbara Di Sacco